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2024. Archaeologies of colonialism. Oxford Online Bibliographies.


2022.  Dietler, Michael. Six provocations in search of a pretext. In The Connected Iron Age: Interregional Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean, 900-600 BCE, edited by James Osborne and Jonathan Hall. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

2020. Dietler, Michael. Alcohol as embodied material culture: anthropological reflections on the deep entanglement of humans and alcohol. In Alcohol and Humans: A Long and Social Affair, edited by Robin Dunbar and Kimberley Hockings, pp. 299-319. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2018.  Dietler, Michael.  Alkohol als verkörperte materielle Kultur: Vergleichende kulturanthropologische Überlegungen zum Konsum von Alkohol. In Was tranken die frühen Kelten? Bedeutungen und Fonktionen mediterraner Importe im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa, edited by Philipp Stockhammer and Janine Fries-Knoblach, pp. 299-319. Leiden: Sidestone Press, BEFIM 1.

2018. Dietler, Michael.  Alcohol as liquid material culture: feasting in comparative perspective. In Animal-Shaped Vessels from the Ancient World: Feasting with Gods, Heroes, and Kings, exhibit catalogue edited by Susanne Ebbinghaus, pp. 25-31. New Haven: Yale University Press.

2018.  Dietler, Michael.  Emporia: spaces of encounter and entanglement. In The Emporion in the Ancient Western Mediterranean: Trade and Colonial Encounters from the Archaic to the Hellenistic Period, edited by Eric Gailledrat, Michael Dietler and Rosa Plana-Mallart, pp. 231-242. Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée (Collection Monde Ancien).


2018.  Gailledrat, Eric , Dietler, Michael  and Rosa Plana-Mallart.  Introduction: the emporion in context. In The Emporion in the Ancient Western Mediterranean: Trade and Colonial Encounters from the Archaic to the Hellenistic Period, edited by Eric Gailledrat, Michael Dietler and Rosa Plana-Mallart, pp. 11-16. Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée (Collection Monde Ancien).


2017.  Dietler, Michael.  Anthropological reflections on the koine concept: linguistic analogies and material worlds. In Material Koinai in the Greek Early Iron Age and Archaic Period, edited by Søren Handberg and Anastasia Gadolou, pp. 17-39. Aarhus: Danish Institute at Athens Monograph Series, vol. 22.

2016.  Dietler, Michael.  Material culture: perspectives from American archaeology and anthropology. Ateliers. Revue d’anthropologie.


2015.  Dietler, Michael.  Rencontres culinaires: Colonialisme et la culture matérielle incarnée. In Contacts et acculturations en Méditerranée occidentale. Hommages à Michel Bats, Actes du colloque de Hyères, 15-18 septembre 2011, edited by Réjane Roure, pp. 153-159. Arles/Aix-en-Provence: Errance/Centre Camille Jullian, , (Bibliothèque d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne et Africaine 15/ Etudes Massaliètes 12).


2011.  Dietler, Michael.  Feasting and fasting.  In Oxford Handbook on the Archaeology of Ritual and Religion, edited by Timothy Insoll, pp. 179-194. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


2010. Dietler, Michael. Cocina y colonialismo. Encuentros culinarios en la Francia mediterránea protohistórica.  In De la Cuina a la Taula: IV Reunió d’Economia en el Primer Mil..lenni aC., edited by Consuelo Mata Pareño, Guillem Pérez Jordà, and Jaime Vives-Ferrándiz Sánchez, pp. 11-26.  Valencia: Universitat de Valencia, Saguntum.


2010. Dietler, Michael.  Consumption.  In The Oxford Handbook of Material Culture Studies, edited by Dan Hicks and Mary Beaudry, pp. 207-226.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.


2009. Dietler, Michael.  Colonial encounters in Iberia and the Western Mediterranean: an exploratory framework.  In Colonial Encounters in Ancient Iberia: Phoenician, Greek, and Indigenous Relations, edited by Michael Dietler and Carolina López-Ruiz, pp. 3-48.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


2009. Dietler, Michael, and Carolina López-Ruiz.  Ex Occidente lux: a preface.  In Colonial Encounters in Ancient Iberia: Phoenician, Greek, and Indigenous Relations, edited by Michael Dietler and Carolina López-Ruiz, pp. vii-xiii.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


2009.  Dietler, Michael, and Carolina López-Ruiz.  Colonial encounters in ancient Iberia: a coda.  In Colonial Encounters in Ancient Iberia: Phoenician, Greek, and Indigenous Relations, edited by Michael Dietler and Carolina López-Ruiz, pp. 299-312.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


2009. Herbich, Ingrid, and Michael Dietler.  Domestic space, social life, and settlement biography: theoretical reflections from the ethnography of a rural African landscape.  In L’espai domestic i l’organizació de la societat a la protohistòria de la Mediterrània occidental (Ier mil.leni aC), Actes de la IV Reunió Internacional d'Arqueologia de Calafell (Calafell - Tarragona, 6 al 9 de març de 2007), edited by Carme Belarte, pp. 11-23.  Barcelona: Arqueo Mediterrània, 10.


2008. Dietler, Michael, Alison Kohn, Andreu Moya i Garra and André Rivalan.  Les maisons à cour des IIIe-IIe s. av. n. è. à Lattes: émergence d’une différentiation dans l’habitat indigène.  Gallia 65: 111-122.


2008. Dietler, Michael, Thierry Janin, Joan López and Michel Py.  Conclusion. Gallia 65: 201-209.


2008.  Dietler, Michael, and Ingrid Herbich.  France et États-Unis: comparaison des institutions archéologiques.  In Constructions de l’archéologie, edited by Anick Coudart, pp. 111-116.  Paris: Archéopages, numéro hors série.


2008. Herbich, Ingrid, and Michael Dietler.  The long arm of the mother-in-law: post-marital resocialization, cultural transmission, and material style.  In Cultural Transmission and Material Culture: Breaking Down Boundaries, edited by Miriam Stark, Brenda Bowser, and Lee Horne, pp. 223-244. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.


2008. Clark, J. Desmond, K. S. Brown, Michael Dietler, Mary B. Reilly, P. Staley and Anagonda G. Schokkenbroek. The Late Acheulian assemblages. In Adrar Bous: Archaeology of a Central Saharan Granitic Ring Complex in Niger, edited by J. Desmond Clark and Diane Gifford-Gonzalez, pp. 55-90. Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa.


2007. Dietler, Michael.  The Iron Age in the Western Mediterranean.  In The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World, edited by Walter Scheidel, Ian Morris and Richard Saller, pp. 242-276.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


2007. Dietler, Michael.  Culinary encounters:  food, identity, and colonialism.  In The Archaeology of Food and Identity, edited by Katheryn Twiss, pp. 218-242.  Carbondale: Center for Archaeological Investigations Press, University of Southern Illinois.


2007. Dietler, Michael.  The institutional landscape of American archaeology: a short guide.  European Journal of Archaeology web journal: News, Views & Reviews – (


2006. Dietler, Michael.  Feasting und kommensale Politik in der Eisenzeit Europas. Theoretische Reflexionen und empirische Fallstudien.  Ethnographisch-Archaeologische Zeitschrift 47(4):541-568.


2006. Dietler, Michael. Wine and colonialism in ancient Gaul.  Cahiers Parisiens 2: 247-279.


2006. Dietler, Michael.  Celticism, Celtitude, and Celticity: the consumption of the past in the age of globalization.  In Celtes et Gaulois dans l’histoire, l’historiographie et l’idéologie moderne.  Actes de la table ronde de Leipzig, 16-17 juin 2005, edited by Sabine Rieckhoff, pp. 237-248.  Glux-en-Glenne: Bibracte, Centre Archéologique Européen (Bibracte 12/1).


2006.  Dietler, Michael.  Alcohol: anthropological/archaeological perspectives.  Annual Review of Anthropology 35: 229-249.


2006.  Dietler, Michael, and Ingrid Herbich.  Liquid material culture: following the flow of beer among the Luo of Kenya.  In Grundlegungen. Beiträge zur europäischen und afrikanischen Archäologie für Manfred K.H. Eggert, edited by Hans-Peter Wotzka, pp. 395-408. Tübingen: Francke Verlag.


2005.  Dietler, Michael.  The archaeology of colonization and the colonization of archaeology: theoretical challenges from an ancient Mediterranean colonial encounter.  In The Archaeology of Colonial Encounters: Comparative Perspectives, edited by Gil Stein, pp. 33-68.  Santa Fe: SAR Press.


2005. Poux, Matthieu, and Michael Dietler.  Du vin, pour quoi faire?  In Le Vin: nectar des dieux, génie des hommes, edited by Jean-Pierre Brun, Matthieu Poux and André Tchernia, pp. 9-26.  Gollion, Switzerland: Infolio.


2004.  Dietler, Michael.  La société lattoise à l'aube de la conquête romaine: réflexions sur le colonialisme et la vie quotidienne  dans une ville portuaire indigène.  In Lattara 17. Le quartier 30-35 de la ville de Lattara (fin IIIe - Ier siècles av. n. è.): Regards sur la vie urbaine à la fin de la Protohistoire, edited by Michel Py, pp. 403-412.  Lattes: ARALO.


2004. Py, M., A. Adroher, C. Belarte, M. Dietler, M. Gomis, L. Paterno, P. Pinto, S. Raux, C. Sanchez and A. Vidal.  Le dossier de fouille du quartier 30-35: structures, stratigraphies et mobiliers.  In Lattara 17.  Le quartier 30-35 de la ville de Lattara (fin IIIe - Ier siècles av. n. è.): Regards sur la vie urbaine à la fin de la  Protohistoire, edited by Michel Py, pp. 7-318.  Lattes: ARALO.


2003. Dietler, Michael, and Michel Py.  The warrior of Lattes: an Iron Age statue discovered in Mediterranean France.  Antiquity 77:780-795.


2003.  Py, Michel, and Michael Dietler.  Une statue de guerrier découverte à Lattes (Hérault).  Documents d’Archéologie Méridionale  26:235-249.


2003.  Dietler, Michael.  Clearing the table: some concluding reflections on commensal politics and imperial states.  In The Archaeology and Politics of Food and Feasting in Early States and Empires, edited by Tamara Bray, pp. 271-282.  New York: Kluwer Press.


2002.  Dietler, Michael.  L'Archéologie du colonialisme: consommation, emmêlement culturel, et rencontres coloniales en Méditerranée.  In Regards croisés sur le métissage, edited by Laurier Turgeon, pp. 135-184 Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval.


2001.  Dietler, Michael.  Theorizing the feast: rituals of consumption, commensal politics, and power in African contexts.  In Feasts: Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on Food, Politics, and Power, edited by Michael Dietler and Brian Hayden, pp. 65-114. Washington, DC: Smithsonian.


2001.  Dietler, Michael, and Ingrid Herbich.  Feasts and labor mobilization: dissecting a fundamental economic practice.  In Feasts: Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on Food, Politics, and Power, edited by Michael Dietler and Brian Hayden, pp. 240-264. Washington, DC: Smithsonian.


2001.  Dietler, Michael, and Brian Hayden.  Digesting the feast -- good to eat, good to drink, good to think: an introduction.  In Feasts: Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on Food, Politics, and Power, edited by Michael Dietler and Brian Hayden, pp.1-20. Washington, DC: Smithsonian.


2001.  Dietler, Michael.  American archaeology at the Millennium: a user’s guide. Revista d'Arqueologia de Ponent, Universitat de Lleida 11:7-20.


1999.  Dietler, Michael.   Rituals of commensality and the politics of state formation in the "princely" societies of Early Iron Age Europe.  In Les princes de la Protohistoire et l'émergence de l'état,  edited by Pascal Ruby, pp. 135-152.  Naples: Cahiers du Centre Jean Bérard, Institut Français de Naples 17 - Collection de l'École Française de Rome 252.


1999.  Dietler, Michael.  Consumption, cultural frontiers, and identity: anthropological approaches to Greek colonial encounters.  In Confini e frontiera nella Grecità d'Occidente (Atti del XXXVII Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 3-6 ottobre, 1997), pp. 475-501.  Naples: Arte Tipographica.


1999. Dietler, Michael.  Reflections on Lattois society during the 4th century BC.  In Lattara 12:  Recherches sur le quatrième siècle avant notre ère à Lattes, edited by Michel Py, pp. 663-680.  Lattes: ARALO.


1998. Dietler, Michael, and Ingrid Herbich.  Habitus, techniques, style: an integrated approach to the social understanding of material culture and boundaries.  In The Archaeology of Social Boundaries, edited by Miriam Stark, pp. 232-263.  Washington DC: Smithsonian.


1998. Dietler, Michael.   Consumption, agency, and cultural entanglement: theoretical implications of a Mediterranean colonial encounter.  In Studies in Culture Contact: Interaction, Culture Change, and Archaeology, edited by James Cusick, pp. 288-315.  Carbondale: Center for Archaeological Investigations Press, University of Southern Illinois.


1998. Dietler, Michael.  A tale of three sites: the monumentalization of Celtic oppida and the politics of collective memory and identity.  World Archaeology, 30: 72-89.


1997. Dietler, Michael.  L'art du vin chez les Gaulois.  Pour la Science 237: 68-74.


  • Reprinted in a special issue of Pour la Science entitled “Gaulois qui étais-tu?” Dossier 61:42-49 (2008).


1997. Dietler, Michael.  The Iron Age in Mediterranean France:  colonial encounters, entanglements, and transformations.  Journal of World Prehistory 11: 269-357.


1996. Dietler, Michael.   Feasts and commensal politics in the political economy:  food, power, and status in prehistoric Europe.  In Food and the Status Quest: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, edited by Polly Wiessner and Wulf Schiefenhövel, pp. 87-125.  Oxford: Berghahn Publishers.


1996. Dietler, Michael.   Archaeology.  In Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology, edited by Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer, pp. 45-51.  London: Routledge.


1995. Dietler, Michael.  The cup of Gyptis: rethinking the colonial encounter in Early Iron Age Western Europe and the relevance of world-systems models.  Journal of European Archaeology 3(2): 89-111.


1995.  Dietler, Michael.   Early 'Celtic' socio-political relations: ideological representation and social competition in dynamic comparative perspective.  In Celtic Chiefdom, Celtic State: The Evolution of Complex Social Systems in Prehistoric Europe, edited by Bettina Arnold and D. Blair Gibson, pp. 64-71.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


1994. Dietler, Michael.   Quenching Celtic thirst.  Archaeology 47(3): 44-48.


1994. Dietler, Michael, and Ingrid Herbich.   Habitus et reproduction sociale des techniques: l'intelligence du style en archéologie et en ethnoarchéologie.  In De la préhistoire aux missiles balistiques: l'intelligence sociale des techniques, edited by Bruno Latour and Pierre Lemonnier, pp. 202-227.  Paris: La Découverte.


1994. Dietler, Michael, and Ingrid Herbich.   Ceramics and ethnic identity: ethnoarchaeological observations on the distribution of pottery styles and the relationship between the social contexts of production and consumption.  In Terre cuite et société: la céramique, document technique, économique, culturel.  XIVe Rencontre Internationale d'Archéologie et d'Histoire d'Antibes, edited by Didier Binder and Françoise Audouze, pp. 459-472.  Juan-les-Pins: Éditions APDCA.


1994. Dietler, Michael.   "Our ancestors the Gauls":  archaeology, ethnic nationalism, and the manipulation of Celtic identity in modern Europe.  American Anthropologist 96: 584-605. 


  • Reprinted in Histories of Archaeology: A Reader in the History of Archaeology, edited by Tim Murray and Christopher Evans. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 194-221, (2008).


  • Reprinted in American Anthropology, 1971–1995.  Papers from the "American Anthropologist", American Anthropological Association Centennial Volume, edited by Rayna Darnell, pp. 732-764.  Omaha: Nebraska University Press, (2002).


  • Reprinted in Czech translation as "Nasi predkové Galové": archeologie, etnicky nacionalismus a manipulace s keltskou identitou v moderní Evrope.  Archeologické Rozhledy, 51: 537-556, (1999).


1993. Dietler, Michael, and Ingrid Herbich.   Living on Luo time:  reckoning sequence, duration, history, and biography in a rural African Society.   World Archaeology  25: 248-260.


1993. Dietler, Michael.   Comparative colonial interaction in Iron Age France.  In Actes du XIIe Congrès International des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, September 1-7, 1991, Vol. 3, edited by Jan Pavúk, pp. 262-266.  Nitra: Archaeological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.


1993. Herbich, Ingrid, and Michael Dietler.   Space, time, and symbolic structure in the Luo homestead: an ethno-archaeological study of "settlement biography" in Africa.  In Actes du XIIe Congrès International des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, September 1-7, 1991, Vol. 1, edited by Jan Pavúk, pp. 26-32.  Nitra: Archaeological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.


1992. Dietler, Michael.   Commerce du vin et contacts culturels en Gaule au Premier Age du Fer.  In Marseille grecque et la Gaule, Études Massaliètes 3, edited by Michel Bats, Guy Bertucchi, Gaëtan Congès & Henri Tréziny, pp. 401-410.  Lattes: A.D.A.M Éditions.


1991. Herbich, Ingrid, and Michael Dietler.   Aspects of the ceramic system of the Luo of Kenya.  In Töpferei- und Keramikforschung, 2, edited by H. Lüdtke and R. Vossen, pp. 105-135.  Bonn:  Habelt.


1990. Dietler, Michael.   Driven by drink:  the role of drinking in the political economy and the case of Early Iron Age France.   Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 9: 352-406.


1989. Dietler, Michael.   Greeks, Etruscans and thirsty barbarians:  Early Iron Age interaction in the Rhône basin of France.  In Centre and Periphery:  Comparative Studies in Archaeology, edited by Timothy Champion, pp. 127-141.   London: Unwin Hyman. 


1989. Dietler, Michael, and Ingrid Herbich.   Tich matek :  the technology of Luo pottery production and the definition of ceramic style.   World Archaeology 21: 148-164.


1989. Herbich, Ingrid, and Michael Dietler.   River-Lake Nilotic:  Luo.  In Kenyan Pots and Potters, edited by Jane Barbour and Simeyu Wandibba, pp. 27-40.   Nairobi:  Oxford University Press.


1986.  Dietler, Michael.   Greeks, Etruscans and thirsty barbarians:  exchange and cultural interaction in the Rhône basin of France.  In Comparative Studies in the Development of Complex Societies, Vol. 3.   Papers of the World Archaeological Congress, Southampton, September 1986.  London:  Allen & Unwin.  (Revised & updated for Dietler 1989)



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