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excavation slim & the ruins

The Ruins:

Harriette "YaYa" Stuckey (vocals)

Mickey Dietler (aka Excavation Slim) (harmonica)

Petri Toiviainen (aka Helsinki Pete) (bass, guitar)

Don "Boogie" Brenneis (guitar)

Rogers "Shorty" Hall (Wii drums)

"Lightning" Leo Hall (guitar)

Poor Man's PleaExcavation Slim & the Ruins
High and LonsomeExcavation Slim & the Ruins

Excavation Slim and the Ruins was a (very!) amateur Blues band formed during a sabbatical year at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford in 2007-08. We had a few well lubricated rehearsals, played two concerts for the fellows, and had a lot of fun trying to make some music. The drum was an electronic version played with Wii wands that was invented by Finnish musicologist Petri Toiviainen (aka "Helsinki Pete"), who also played bass and guitar in the band. "Excavation Slim" is a moniker given to MD by the great harmonica bluesman Billy Branch on a memorable delayed flight from Paris to Chicago that we shared by accident. One of the band came up with the fitting name "The Ruins," although I can no longer remember whom. The polydisciplinary band was composed of two anthropologists, a musicologist, a political scientist and his son, and an educator/dancer. This gallery is meant to share a bit of nostalgia with the band and other fellows. Most of theses photos are courtesy of Gail Herschatter.

Ruins 1.JPG

Ruins 1.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Yaya Stuckey.JPG

Yaya Stuckey.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008



Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Helsinki Pete.JPG

Helsinki Pete.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Shorty Hall & Wii drums.JPG

Shorty Hall & Wii drums.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Don "Boogie" Brenneis.jpg

Don "Boogie" Brenneis.jpg

CASBS Spring Concert 2008

Lightning Hall.JPG

Lightning Hall.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Slim & Petri backup vocals.JPG

Slim & Petri backup vocals.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Yaya Stuckey.JPG

Yaya Stuckey.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008



Spring concert at CASBS 2008

The Fans.JPG

The Fans.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

The Fans.JPG

The Fans.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

The Fans.JPG

The Fans.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Ruins & Fans.jpg

Ruins & Fans.jpg

CASBSbaret 2008

Michael Dietler-Excavation Slim & Ruins.jpg

Michael Dietler-Excavation Slim & Ruins.jpg

CASBSbaret concert 2008

Slim, Don & Petri.JPG

Slim, Don & Petri.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Shorty Hall on Wii drums.JPG

Shorty Hall on Wii drums.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Shorty Hall on Wii drums.JPG

Shorty Hall on Wii drums.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Yaya Stuckey.JPG

Yaya Stuckey.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Slim & Don.JPG

Slim & Don.JPG

CASBS Spring Concert 2008

Don Brenneis.JPG

Don Brenneis.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Ruins 3.JPG

Ruins 3.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Ruins 2.JPG

Ruins 2.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Slim 2.JPG

Slim 2.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Rogers & Yaya.JPG

Rogers & Yaya.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Yaya & Slim.JPG

Yaya & Slim.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Don Boogie Brenneis.jpg

Don Boogie Brenneis.jpg

CASBS Spring Concert 2008

Michael Dietler-Ruins Concert.jpg

Michael Dietler-Ruins Concert.jpg

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Yaya & Slim.JPG

Yaya & Slim.JPG

Spring concert at CASBS 2008

Click on a photo for full images

© 2015 by M Dietler. Created with 

 1126 East 59th St. Chicago IL 60637

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